Obsidian Weekly 2024-02-17:从今天开始,写日记吧

Obsidian Weekly 2024-02-17:从今天开始,写日记吧


统计时间:2024-02-10 17:00 ~ 2024-02-17 17:00
声明:本栏目灵感来源于 Eleanor Konik 女士于 2021 年 4 月写作发表的一系列 Obsidian Roundup 文章,如有兴趣可关注原作者的个人网站 Obsidian Iceberg;内容来源于 Obsidian 官方 Discord 频道和相应项目在 Github 或其独立网站上的信息。描述中可能存在基于个人理解进行的修改,如有错谬欢迎指正。感谢 Obsidian 团队为我们带来如此优秀的软件。




‌‌‌‌这些插件已经通过了代码审查,现在可以在 Obsidian 插件列表中获取。 完整列表请查看 插件统计页面


Daily note creator by Mario Holubar

自动创建每日笔记,包括没有打开 Obsidian 的日子。

Fastimer by vkostyanetsky


Beautitab by Andrew McGivery

可创建具有精美背景、引号、搜索等的自定义新选项卡视图。每个元素都可以由用户自行决定隐藏或显示,且允许您使用您已经习惯的搜索/切换器插件(core、Omnisearch、switcher++、another quick switcher)。

Obsidian Weekly 2024-02-17:从今天开始,写日记吧--新增

Consecutive Lists by Josh Tucke


Obsidian Weekly 2024-02-17:从今天开始,写日记吧--新增

Alt-Click to Copy by Veer Sheth

按住 Alt 键单击代码块可将其数据复制到剪贴板。仅适用于阅读视图。

Hatena Blog Publisher by Takuro Matsukawa

从黑曜石直接发布到您的 Hatena 博客。

Reason by Joshua Pham

R.E.A.S.O.N. 代表检索(Retrieve)、提取(Extract)、分析(Analyze)和合成(Synthesize)您的黑曜石(Obsidian)笔记(Notes)。它旨在利用 AI 实现直接在编辑器中检索并帮助合成您的黑曜石笔记。访问 reason.garden/getting-started 获取有关如何使用 Reason 的最佳指南。

Obsidian Weekly 2024-02-17:从今天开始,写日记吧--新增

iCloud Contacts by Truls Aagaard

此插件提供将联系人从 iCloud 帐户同步到库中的文件夹的功能。

Dynamic Text Concealer by Matt Cole Anderson


Timelines (Revamped) by Sean Lowe

Darakah 著名的 obsidian-timelines 插件的更新版本。生成按时间顺序排列的时间线,其中所有“事件”都是包含特定标签或标签集的笔记。

Obsidian Weekly 2024-02-17:从今天开始,写日记吧--新增

Obsidian Weekly 2024-02-17:从今天开始,写日记吧--新增

Gemini Assistant by eatgrass

在 Obsidian 中使用 Gemini AI

Canvas Daily Note by Andrew McGivery


Obsidian Weekly 2024-02-17:从今天开始,写日记吧--新增

Contribution Graph by vran


Obsidian Weekly 2024-02-17:从今天开始,写日记吧--新增

Obsidian Weekly 2024-02-17:从今天开始,写日记吧--新增

Journals by Sergii Kostyrko


Mathematica Plot by Marcos Nicolau

允许您使用 Wolfram Mathematica 绘制数学图表。

Evernote Decryptor by rcmdnk

管理从 Evernote 导入的加密数据。

Arrows by artisticat


Obsidian Weekly 2024-02-17:从今天开始,写日记吧--新增

Outline++ by Ryota Ushio

在大纲视图内渲染 Markdown。该插件最初是为了修复 内置大纲视图的错误 而开发的,该错误将在 Obsidian v1.5.4 中修复。

Better Order List by Boninall

支持如 1、一、(1). 等样式的有序列表。

Templated daily notes by digitorum


Aloud by Adrian Lyjak

朗读笔记中的文字。使用 OpenAI 的逼真声音将文本实时转换为语音。

Better Export PDF by l1xnan

与官方 PDF 导出功能相比,增加了导出书签大纲、导出预览以及向 PDF 添加页码的功能。

Days Since by gndclouds

这款 Obsidian 插件通过提供快速直观的时间跟踪方式来增强您的笔记体验。只需将鼠标悬停在笔记中的任何日期上,就会出现一个工具提示,显示自该日期以来已经过去了多少天。此功能对于跟踪项目时间表、日记条目或笔记中的任何重要日期特别有用。

Protected Note by Mikail Gadzhikhanov


Status Bar Organizer by Kacper Darowski




如果您想要本周更新的插件的完整列表,请查看 Ganesh Kumar 的 插件更新索引

Keyshots v2.2.0 by KrazyManJ

  • 5 个新命令
    • Toggle focus mode - 隐藏功能区菜单、侧边栏和切换应用程序全屏
    • Go to next fold - 将光标导航到笔记内的下一个折叠
    • Go to previous fold - 将光标导航到笔记内的上一个折叠
    • Go to parent fold - 导航到笔记内的父折叠
    • 通过双 Ctrl 快捷键执行双键 Open Command-Palette 命令。
  • 修复
    • 使双键快速切换快捷键在第二次释放而不是第二次按下时触发
    • 仅当命令在所需时间戳中发布时,双密钥注册表才会在发布时注册命令

Imgur v2.5.1 by Kirill Gavrilov

重命名了插件以匹配 Obsidian 开发者政策。

YouTube Template v1.1.0 by sundevista

  • 特征
    • 添加创建文件夹(如果文件夹不存在)的功能
    • 添加 {{thumbnailUrl}} 模板选项
    • 添加模板路径选项(设置路径如{{channelName}}/{{title}}.md)
    • 添加模板文件选项(使用注释作为模板而不是设置文本区域)
  • 修复
    • 支持所有类型的附件文件夹设置

Various complements v9.2.1 by tadashi-aikawa

修复了处理带有 CRLF 换行符的文件时导致建议中出现重复单词的错误



注意:社区列表中尚未提供所有新插件,因为它们需要先经过代码审查。您可以使用 Beta Reviewer 的自动更新工具 手动安装社区列表中尚未包含的插件。但请注意,这并不像等待它们通过代码审查那么安全。

Advanced Canvas v2.4.1 by Mike


Obsidian-Seafile by conql

将您的黑曜石笔记与 Seafile 同步!这是一个专为使用 Seafile 作为后端进行无缝笔记同步而设计的插件。


Sparkling Day Theme by Isax785

源自 Sparkling Night 的亮色主题,自带可用于区分任务类型的彩色复选框。

Obsidian Weekly 2024-02-17:从今天开始,写日记吧--外观

Obsidian Weekly 2024-02-17:从今天开始,写日记吧--外观


Media Extended v3.0 现已推出 Beta 测试

  • 新增:
    • 实时预览
    • 内联字段
    • 多窗口支持
    • 本地视频文件支持
    • 网页播放器
      • 现在,除了对 YouTube、Vimeo 和 Bilibili 等平台的专门支持之外,您还可以大胆尝试,将来自几乎任何 URL 的媒体嵌入到您的笔记中! (某些 URL 可能不起作用。)
    • ……

通过将 PKM-er/media-extended 添加到 BRAT beta 插件列表来加入 BRAT 的 beta 测试。

2024-02-17:From today on, start writing a diary


Statistical time: 2024-02-10 17:00 ~ 2024-02-17 17:00

Plugin News

Community Plugins


These plugins went through code review and are now available in Obsidian’s plugin list. For the full list, check out the plugin stats page.


Daily note creator by Mario Holubar

Automatically creates daily notes, including days that you haven’t opened the Obsidian.

Fastimer by vkostyanetsky

It is a plugin designed to help you monitor your fasting Intervals.

Beautitab by Andrew McGivery

Creates a customizable new tab view with beautiful backgrounds, quotes, search, and more. Every element is able to be hidden or shown at the users discretion. It allows you to use the search/switcher plugins that you’re already used to (core, Omnisearch, switcher++, another quick switcher).

2024-02-17:From today on, start writing a diary--New

Consecutive Lists by Josh Tucke

Create consecutive lists that are displayed separately in reading mode.

2024-02-17:From today on, start writing a diary--New

Alt-Click to Copy by Veer Sheth

Alt-click on codeblocks to copy its data to the clipboard. Only works in reading view.

Hatena Blog Publisher by Takuro Matsukawa

Post directly to your Hatena Blog from Obsidian.

Reason by Joshua Pham

R.E.A.S.O.N. stands for Retrieve, Extract, Analyze, and Synthesize your Obsidian Notes. It aims to utilize AI to directly retrieve and assist in synthesizing your obsidian notes in the editor. Visit reason.garden/getting-started for the best guide on how to use Reason.

2024-02-17:From today on, start writing a diary--New

iCloud Contacts by Truls Aagaard

This plugin provides functions to sync contacts from your iCloud account to a folder in your vault.

Dynamic Text Concealer by Matt Cole Anderson

Dynamically conceal or replace note content according to user-defined regular expressions in Live Preview and reading mode.

Timelines (Revamped) by Sean Lowe

This is an updated fork of Darakah’s famous obsidian-timelines plugin. Generate a chronological timeline in which all ‘events’ are notes that include a specific tag or set of tags.

2024-02-17:From today on, start writing a diary--New

2024-02-17:From today on, start writing a diary--New

Gemini Assistant by eatgrass

Use Gemini AI in Obsidian.

Canvas Daily Note by Andrew McGivery

Allows you to add a daily note node to the canvas that will always show today’s note. The plugin will automatically keep this file node up to date with the latest daily note whenever you open the canvas.

2024-02-17:From today on, start writing a diary--New

Contribution Graph by vran

Generate an interactive heatmap to visualize and track your productivity.

2024-02-17:From today on, start writing a diary--New

2024-02-17:From today on, start writing a diary--New

Journals by Sergii Kostyrko

Manage your journals. You can configure many different journals based on your needs, such as Calendar based journals (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly notes) and Interval based journals (like finantial quarters or sprints). The path to store and template of every note type can be configured separately.

Mathematica Plot by Marcos Nicolau

A plugin that allows you to plot mathematical graphs using Wolfram Mathematica.

Evernote Decryptor by rcmdnk

Manage encrypted data imported from Evernote.

Arrows by artisticat

A plugin that lets you draw arrows in your notes, similar to how you might draw arrows across different parts of your notes on paper. Works in Live Preview mode only.

2024-02-17:From today on, start writing a diary--New

Outline++ by Ryota Ushio

Render Markdown inside the outline view.This plugin was originally developed to fix a bug of the built-in outline view, which will be fixed in Obsidian v1.5.4.

Better Order List by Boninall

Support new line order list like 1、, 一、 or (1)., etc.

Templated daily notes by digitorum

Adds the ability to create notes with a specified template according to the described settings.

Aloud by Adrian Lyjak

Speak text from your notes. Converts text to speech in real-time using lifelike voices from OpenAI.

Better Export PDF by l1xnan

Adds the ability to export bookmarks outline, export preview and add page numbers to PDF compared to the official PDF export function.

Days Since by gndclouds

This Obsidian plugin enhances your note-taking experience by providing a quick and intuitive way to track time. By simply hovering over any date in your notes, a tooltip appears, showing you how many days have passed since that date. This feature is especially useful for tracking project timelines, journal entries, or any important dates in your notes.

Protected Note by Mikail Gadzhikhanov

Set password and protect your notes from other people.

Status Bar Organizer by Kacper Darowski

This plugin enables you to easily reorder elements of the status bar, as well as choose which to hide or show..



If you want a comprehensive list of what plugins updated this week, check out this plugin updates index by Ganessh Kumar.

Keyshots v2.2.0 by KrazyManJ

  • 5 New commands
    • Toggle focus mode - hides ribbon menu, sidebars, and toggle app fullscreen
    • Go to next fold - navigates cursor to next fold inside note
    • Go to previous fold - navigates cursor to previous fold inside note
    • Go to parent fold - navigates to parent fold inside note
    • Double key Open Command-Palette command via double Ctrl shortcut.
  • Fixes
    • Made double key quick switcher shortcut to be triggered on second release rather than on second press
    • Double key registry registers command on release only if command released in desired timestamp

Imgur v2.5.1 by Kirill Gavrilov

Fixed images upload for notes opened in “new window”.
Renamed the plugin to match Obsidian developer policies.

YouTube Template v1.1.0 by sundevista

  • Features
    • Add ability to create folders if they don’t exist
    • Add {{thumbnailUrl}} template option
    • Add template path option (set paths like {{channelName}} / {{title}} .md)
    • Add template file option (use note as template instead of settings textarea)
  • Fixes
    • Support all types of attachment folder setting

Various complements v9.2.1 by tadashi-aikawa

Fix a bug causing the duplication of words in suggestions when processing files with CRLF line breaks



Note: Not all new plugins are available in the community list yet, as they need to go through code review first. You can manually install plugins that aren’t in the community list yet by using the Beta Reviewer’s Auto-update Tool. Note, though, that this is not as safe as waiting for them to go through code review.

Advanced Canvas v2.4.1 by Mike

Added ability to open the command palette while presenting
Added ability to toggle the start node of the presentation
Fixed styles still applied if the feature is disabled
Added more canvas events and improved the code behind it
Better canvas patching
Fixed typo in settings
Fixed “Default slide ratio” setting no default value

Obsidian-Seafile by conql

Sync Your Obsidian Notes with Seafile! This is a plugin designed for seamless note synchronization using Seafile as backend.

PDF++ v0.35.1 by RyotaUshio


Sparkling Day Theme by Isax785

Sparkling Day is the light theme derived from Sparkling Night, with colored checkboxes that can be used to apply a distinction to the tasks.

2024-02-17:From today on, start writing a diary--Appearance

2024-02-17:From today on, start writing a diary--Appearance

PDF++ v0.35.1 by RyotaUshio

Recent updates have added many features as a PDF editor.

  • Auto-update links after adding/removing/extracting PDF pages
    • By using PDF++ commands such as “Divide this PDF into two files at this page”, you can re-organize PDF pages and auto-update links at the same time so that your links can keep functioning.
  • Add, rename, move, and delete PDF outline items (a.k.a. table of contents / bookmarks)
    • Use the “Add to outline” command or the right-click menu to add an outline item to PDF
    • Use the right-click menu or drag-drop to move an outline item under another
    • Use the right-click menu to rename and delete an outline item or extract the pages in a section as a separate PDF file
    • Use the right-click menu or drag-drop to insert a link to the section
    • Also check out the commands ”Copy PDF outlines as markdown list/headings
  • Add/edit page labels
    • PDF++ allows you to add custom page labels to PDFs without page labels and to modify existing page labels.

Other News

Media Extended v3.0 is now available for beta testing

  • New:
    • Live Preview
    • inline field
    • multi-window support
    • webpage player
      • Now, in addition to dedicated support for platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, and Bilibili, you can venture beyond and embed media from virtually any URL into your notes! (some URLs might not play ball)

Join the beta testing by adding PKM-er/media-extended to BRAT beta plugin list.




