GPT 配合文本向量搜索

GPT 配合文本向量搜索



  1. 自建规则搜索:自建结构化的目录,有规则的打标签,命名标题。
  2. 文本向量搜索:向量数据库查询
  3. 高级搜索语法:通过布尔搜索,条件搜索,联合查询,正则搜索
  4. 普通搜索




  1. 随机选取 100 个书签
  2. 在 Supabase 数据库中配置好 pgvector ,建立索引,创建搜索函数
  3. 使用 OpenAI 的 text-embedding-ada-002 模型生成文本向量,存入 Supabase 数据库中
  4. 根据提问,使用 Supabase 的 api,获取最佳的 10 个向量,一起喂给 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT3.5
  5. 得到答案

选取 100 个书签的原因:一方面是这玩意儿得花钱,对于免费用户,OpenAI 有 3RPM 频率限制,即一分钟最多请求 3 次;另一方面是太多了不好进行展示,私以为将数据集一并放出来,更能评估效果


配置 Supabase

安装 postgres 扩展插件以支持向量

create extension vector;


create table documents (
  id bigserial primary key,
  title text,
  description text,
  url text,
  content text,
  checksum text,
  embedding vector(1536)


create or replace function match_documents (
  query_embedding vector(1536),
  match_threshold float,
  match_count int
returns table (
  id bigint,
  content text,
  similarity float
language sql stable
as $$
    1 - (documents.embedding <=> query_embedding) as similarity
  from documents
  where 1 - (documents.embedding <=> query_embedding) > match_threshold
  order by similarity desc
  limit match_count;
  • text-embedding-ada-002 生成的就是 1536 维的向量
  • 直接在 sql editor 里运行即可


create index on documents using ivfflat (embedding vector_cosine_ops)
  (lists = 100);
  • 这里使用余弦距离,这也是 OpenAI 推荐的

生成 embeddings

import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js'
import BOOKMARKS from './constants/bookmarks'
import type { Database } from './types/supabase'
import md5 from 'md5'
import { OpenAI, ClientOptions } from 'openai'

const supabaseUrl = ''
const publicToken = 'xxxxxxxxx'
const openAIKey = 'sk-dxxxxxxxxxxxxnYVaeoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

// Create a single supabase client for interacting with your database
const supabase = createClient<Database>(supabaseUrl, privateToken)
const openai = new OpenAI({ apiKey: openAIKey } as ClientOptions)

BOOKMARKS.forEach(async (bookmark, index) => {
    const content = bookmark.title + ' ' + bookmark.excerpt
    // const embeddingResponse = await openai.embeddings.create({
    //     model: "text-embedding-ada-002",
    //     input: content,
    // })

    // const embedding =[0].embedding
    const currentMd5 = md5(content)
    const { data: selectedData, error: selectedError } = await supabase
        .eq('checksum', currentMd5)

    if (selectedData) {
    const embeddingResponse = await fetch("", {
        method: "POST",
        headers: {
            Authorization: "Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxx04d6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
        body: JSON.stringify({
            input: content,
            model: "text-embedding-ada-002",
    const responseJson = await embeddingResponse.json()
    const embedding =[0].embedding

    const generateContentMd5 = (content: string) => {
        const md5Hash = md5(content)
        return md5Hash

    const bookmarkData = {
        title: bookmark.title,
        description: bookmark.excerpt ?? "",
        checksum: generateContentMd5(content),

    const { data, error } = await supabase


  1. 我是从 raindrop 的 api 获取书签的,一次最多 50 个,endpoint:/raindrops/0?perpage=50&page=2
  2. 初始化 supabase,通过 checksum 判断是否需要生成向量
  3. 初始化 openai,试了才知道白嫖用户最多 1 分钟三次,遂改用第三方的接口
  4. 插回 supabase


async function askEmbedding(question: string) {
    const embeddingResponse = await openai.embeddings.create({
        model: "text-embedding-ada-002",
        input: question,

    const embedding =[0].embedding

    const { data: documents } = await supabase.rpc('match_documents', {
        query_embedding: embedding,
        match_threshold: 0.78, // Choose an appropriate threshold for your data
        match_count: 10, // Choose the number of matches

    return documents

askEmbedding("roadmap").then((data) => {

结合 GPT 的检索

async function askGPT(question: string) {
    const documents = await askEmbedding(question)

    if (!documents || documents?.length === 0) {

    const tokenizer = new GPT3Tokenizer({ type: 'gpt3' })
    let tokenCount = 0
    let contextText = ''

    // Concat matched documents
    for (let i = 0; i < documents.length; i++) {
        const document = documents[i]
        const content = document.content
        const encoded = tokenizer.encode(content)
        tokenCount += encoded.text.length

        // Limit context to max 1500 tokens (configurable)
        if (tokenCount > 1500) {

        contextText += `${content.trim()}\n---\n`

    const prompt = stripIndent`${oneLine`

    Context sections:

    Question: """

    Answer as markdown (including related code snippets if available):

    // In production we should handle possible errors
    const completionResponse = await{
        model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo',
                "role": "system",
                "content": prompt




ask embedding

    id: 60,
    content: 'Obsidian Observer Welcome to The Obsidian Observer, a hub for all Obsidian enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, our publication delivers in-depth how-to guides, innovative workflows, and captivating opinions to help unlock your note-taking potential.',
    similarity: 0.829482535062233
    id: 14,
    content: "Obsidian Roadmap We're chipping away at improvements to Obsidian. Learn about what's coming next.",
    similarity: 0.824207814523189
    id: 40,
    content: 'Obsidian 个人插件开发纪实——0x01 Obsidian 插件开发纪实会是一个系列的文章,主要是记录我真正从零开始开发 Obsidian 插件做为副业项目的过程,这中间会涉及到 js、nodejs、css、React 等技术',
    similarity: 0.820029113306582
    id: 42,
    content: '入门指南 | Obsidian 插件开发文档 ',
    similarity: 0.81381394000391
    id: 73,
    content: 'platers/obsidian-linter: An Obsidian plugin that formats and styles your notes with a focus on configurability and extensibility. An Obsidian plugin that formats and styles your notes with a focus on configurability and extensibility. - platers/obsidian-linter: An Obsidian plugin that formats and styles your notes with a focu...',
    similarity: 0.811287905804211
    id: 49,
    content: 'Actions for Obsidian The missing link between Obsidian and macOS/iOS. 30+ Shortcuts actions to bring your notes and your automations together.',
    similarity: 0.806316246861092
    id: 104,
    content: 'esm7/obsidian-vimrc-support: A plugin for the note-taking software A plugin for the note-taking software. Contribute to esm7/obsidian-vimrc-support development by creating an account on GitHub.',
    similarity: 0.804955411252818
    id: 33,
    content: 'epwalsh/obsidian.nvim: Neovim plugin for Obsidian, written in Lua Neovim plugin for Obsidian, written in Lua. Contribute to epwalsh/obsidian.nvim development by creating an account on GitHub.',
    similarity: 0.804544974998846
  { id: 38, content: ' ', similarity: 0.801935791969442 },
    id: 24,
    content: 'PKM-er/Pkmer-Obsidian Contribute to PKM-er/Pkmer-Obsidian development by creating an account on GitHub.',    
    similarity: 0.801866460514018

ask GPT

Obsidian is a note-taking app that allows users to create and organize their notes using a markdown-based system. It offers features such as backlinks, graph view, and plugins to enhance the note-taking experience. There are also various plugins available for Obsidian, such as Obsidian Linter, Actions for Obsidian, obsidian-vimrc-support, and obsidian.nvim. Additionally, there are resources available for plugin development, such as the Obsidian Plugin Development Documentation and the Obsidian 插件开发纪实 series.

关于 obsidian 的内容有哪些?


普通搜索 obsidian

  • PKMer-obsidian
  • obsidian roadmap
  • obsidian.nvim
  • actions for obsidian
  • obsidian 插件开发文档
  • obsidian 插件开发纪实
  • obsidian observer
  • obsidian-vimrc-support
  • obsidian linter

ask embedding

    id: 42,
    content: '入门指南 | Obsidian 插件开发文档 ',
    similarity: 0.874166488647467
    id: 40,
    content: 'Obsidian 个人插件开发纪实——0x01 Obsidian 插件开发纪实会是一个系列的文章,主要是记录我真正从零开始开发 Obsidian 插件做为副业项目的过程,这中间会涉及到 js、nodejs、css、React 等技术',
    similarity: 0.863220897488814
    id: 60,
    content: 'Obsidian Observer Welcome to The Obsidian Observer, a hub for all Obsidian enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, our publication delivers in-depth how-to guides, innovative workflows, and captivating opinions to help unlock your note-taking potential.',
    similarity: 0.82348354774912
    id: 14,
    content: "Obsidian Roadmap We're chipping away at improvements to Obsidian. Learn about what's coming next.",
    similarity: 0.805123281936939
    id: 18,
    content: 'LearnData 开源笔记 开源工具、效率方法、心理学探索的自我提升笔记',
    similarity: 0.803631544113165
    id: 107,
    content: '语雀知识库推荐 · 语雀 本文档收录各个领域的优质知识库,欢迎关注与自荐。如果还...',
    similarity: 0.802435183960532
    id: 49,
    content: 'Actions for Obsidian The missing link between Obsidian and macOS/iOS. 30+ Shortcuts actions to bring your notes and your automations together.',
    similarity: 0.802080309639014
  { id: 83, content: '前端笔记 · 语雀 前端笔记', similarity: 0.798161459078714 },
    id: 104,
    content: 'esm7/obsidian-vimrc-support: A plugin for the note-taking software A plugin for the note-taking software. Contribute to esm7/obsidian-vimrc-support development by creating an account on GitHub.',
    similarity: 0.79218731066219
    id: 73,
    content: 'platers/obsidian-linter: An Obsidian plugin that formats and styles your notes with a focus on configurability and extensibility. An Obsidian plugin that formats and styles your notes with a focus on configurability and extensibility. - platers/obsidian-linter: An Obsidian plugin that formats and styles your notes with a focu...',
    similarity: 0.787319732468157

ask GPT

  • Obsidian 插件开发文档
  • Obsidian 个人插件开发纪实
  • Obsidian Observer
  • Obsidian Roadmap
  • Actions for Obsidian
  • esm7/obsidian-vimrc-support
  • platers/obsidian-linter

罗列所有关于 obsidian 的书签

ask embedding

    id: 42,
    content: '入门指南 | Obsidian 插件开发文档 ',
    similarity: 0.843693043103616
    id: 40,
    content: 'Obsidian 个人插件开发纪实——0x01 Obsidian 插件开发纪实会是一个系列的文章,主要是记录我真正从零开始开发 Obsidian 插件做为副业项目的过程,这中间会涉及到 js、nodejs、css、React 等技术',
    similarity: 0.817094783599769
    id: 18,
    content: 'LearnData 开源笔记 开源工具、效率方法、心理学探索的自我提升笔记',
    similarity: 0.80540289894948
  { id: 83, content: '前端笔记 · 语雀 前端笔记', similarity: 0.805221772038305 },
  { id: 44, content: '时光印记经典珍藏系列 ', similarity: 0.799947762479978 },
    id: 107,
    content: '语雀知识库推荐 · 语雀 本文档收录各个领域的优质知识库,欢迎关注与自荐。如果还...',
    similarity: 0.791587517890711

ask GPT

Obsidian 开发文档


混杂了大量 obsidian 相关的内容,单搜索 obsidian 开发文档,vscode,typora 均搜不到对应内容,后采用布尔搜索,正则搜索才能勉强找到。

ask embedding

    id: 42,
    content: '入门指南 | Obsidian 插件开发文档 ',
    similarity: 0.915111829651838
    id: 40,
    content: 'Obsidian 个人插件开发纪实——0x01 Obsidian 插件开发纪实会是一个系列的文章,主要是记录我真正从零开始开发 Obsidian 插件做为副业项目的过程,这中间会涉及到 js、nodejs、css、React 等技术',
    similarity: 0.870881690102228
  { id: 83, content: '前端笔记 · 语雀 前端笔记', similarity: 0.806549775990866 },
    id: 18,
    content: 'LearnData 开源笔记 开源工具、效率方法、心理学探索的自我提升笔记',
    similarity: 0.80422810366491
    id: 14,
    content: "Obsidian Roadmap We're chipping away at improvements to Obsidian. Learn about what's coming next.",
    similarity: 0.800547170753196
  { id: 12, content: '思绪思维导图 ', similarity: 0.794258569131113 },
    id: 104,
    content: 'esm7/obsidian-vimrc-support: A plugin for the note-taking software A plugin for the note-taking software. Contribute to esm7/obsidian-vimrc-support development by creating an account on GitHub.',
    similarity: 0.793179583956097
    id: 60,
    content: 'Obsidian Observer Welcome to The Obsidian Observer, a hub for all Obsidian enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, our publication delivers in-depth how-to guides, innovative workflows, and captivating opinions to help unlock your note-taking potential.',
    similarity: 0.792051255703023
    id: 107,
    content: '语雀知识库推荐 · 语雀 本文档收录各个领域的优质知识库,欢迎关注与自荐。如果还...',
    similarity: 0.792004582883295
    id: 49,
    content: 'Actions for Obsidian The missing link between Obsidian and macOS/iOS. 30+ Shortcuts actions to bring your notes and your automations together.',
    similarity: 0.787538179764319

ask GPT

Obsidian 插件开发文档 是 Obsidian 的官方开发文档,提供了有关如何开发 Obsidian 插件的详细信息和示例代码。你可以在这里找到有关插件开发的所有必要信息。



  1. 普通搜索在单关键字的情况下检全率很高,检准率或者说相关性比较差,因为混杂了大量无关但含有关键字的信息。而向量搜索和 GPT 配合向量搜索在相关性上做得很好,但是只能返回部分结果。
  2. GPT 在不同的提问方式返回的是不同的内容,相对来说不怎么稳定。向量搜索比较稳定。
  3. 向量搜索添加关键字可以提升检索质量,GPT 能优化输出内容。
  4. 在多关键字的情况下普通搜索和高级搜索的难度上升,即使很简单的搜索也提升了心智压力。相较而言,向量搜索和 GPT 则能较为轻松的获取相关内容。


自定义规则搜索则提出建立人脑搜索引擎,建立并熟悉后可避免上述情况。但问题是人脑是有限的,对于产出不高,性价比低的情况,向量搜索加 GPT 能很好的补足这种场景。

  • 个人笔记库:自定义规则搜索配合普通和高级搜索。考虑到建立个人笔记库的目的是建立系统的,完备的笔记系统,向量搜索和 GPT 的信息丢失是不可接受的,妨碍整体的思考,重构笔记。
  • 琐碎记录:普通和高级搜索。考虑到琐碎记录如日志,习惯记录这些,检全率十分重要,可以配合自动化手段,自定义标签等手段完备的收集,再进行处理。
  • 备忘记录:向量搜索配合 GPT。考虑到网络书签,代码搜索这些组织起来性价比低,收效甚微且颇占心智压力的场景。即使向量搜索检索不全,但是能立刻返回易读,相关的内容,也瑕不掩瑜了。




